Art (Hi)story | Ladislav Zívr (ENG)
Art (Hi)story is our English programme and it is meant for anyone who is interested in art and speaks English. You can join a guided tour of a chosen artist at first and afterwards you will have an opportunity to participate in a workshop to discover unlimited space of your imagination.
The family tradition of the pottery craft laid the foundation for the artistic path of Ladislav Zívr, the only sculptor of the avant-garde Group 42, which surrealistically influenced his sculptural direction. Loyal to the potter’s material – clay, he also used natural materials in combination with plaster for his distinctive moulage technique. He found great inspiration in nature and biomorphic shapes. Come to listen to the story about Zívr’s work and follow up with your own artistic creation in GMU.
When: April 13, 2023, 5–7 pm
Admission fee: student with ISIC card is 30 CZK, adults 100 CZK
If you are interested in this event, please make a reservation:
Hradec Králové
Galerie moderního umění
Galerie moderního umění
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